En Videoclip y Letra nos dedicamos a traerles los mejores videoclips oficiales en alta definición con la letra de la canción. Diversos artistas, diversos generos músicales, lo viejo, lo nuevo, en ingles, en español, etc. Los mejores videoclips de música con sus respectivas letras los encuentras aquí!
Video : Campo - Cumbio
Letra : Cumbio - Campo
All the birds and the bees
I can't find them in my sleep
In the back of my mind
Or in the corner of the street
D' you wanna get tangled up?
You wanna confess?
What was i looking for?
Something's in my mind
Come the day, come to see
That my heart is on the brink
Oh my sweet melody
Now you have someone to sing
D' you wanna get tangled up?
You wanna confess?
D'you wanna get tangled up?
You wanna confess?
What was i looking for?
Something's in my mind
All the time
In my mind
All the birds and the bees
I can't find them in my sleep
Come the sweet melodies
Something's in my mind
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